Next Exam Window 21-25 May, 2025

Military Qualified Financial Planner – MQFP Continuing Education Program

Purpose: This document details the continuing education program requirements for holders of the Military Qualified Financial Planner (MQFP) certification. The requirements set forth here are developed and maintained by The Military Financial Readiness Objective (TMFRO) and may be changed at any time by TMFRO. Failure to comply with the Continuing Education (CE) requirements in this document may be grounds for suspension or revocation of the MQFP marks.


The MQFP CE program, like CE programs for other professional designations should accomplish the following objectives: Continuously improve the military and veteran financial planning knowledge and skillset for holders of the MQFP certification. Generate consistency of military and veteran related financial counseling and advice across the MQFP community. Uphold and build the reputation, recognition, and prestige of the MQFP® designation as the preeminent professional certification for financial professionals serving the military and veteran communities. Questions, comments, and recommendations regarding the MQFP CE program should be directed to TMFRO at (

Basic Requirements

Upon authorization to use and display the MQFP certification, holders of the certification (MQFP or MQFPs) must do the following each year to meet CE requirements: Complete 4 hours of approved CE. Satisfactorily log the 4 hours of CE with TMFRO as described below. Be prepared to substantiate completion of CE upon inquiry by TMFRO.

Approved CE

To the maximum extent practical, TMFRO will endeavor to provide CFP Board and AFC® approved CE programs such that MFQP CE will also count for underlying designation credit. One hour of CE is considered full attendance at no less than 50 minutes of a CE program. If the CE program includes knowledge reinforcement questions, a passing score as designated by the provider must be achieved. If an MQFP would like CE credit for a program not offered by TMFRO, these procedures must be followed: MQFPs must track the following information about the desired CE program: Name of the CE event Date of the CE event Provider of the CE event Location of the CE event Topic of the CE Non-TMFRO events that can qualify for CE include: Financial educational program designed and or taught by the MQFP (no more than 1 hour per year) to a military/veteran or financial professional audience. Authoring an educational article on a relevant financial topic for the military and veteran communities. Articles should be no less than 2,000 words and should advance the community knowledge base in a technical or detailed subject area. No more than one hour per year may be logged from production of written material. Citations required. DoD financial education program (live or virtual) is designed to educate at the professional level. Attending programs designed for servicemembers would not normally fulfill this requirement. CE program provided another credential-granting or financial education-providing entity that focuses on the military/veteran community. If an MQFP has doubts about whether a CE program will meet TMFRO requirements, the MQFP should query TMFRO at ( prior to commencing the CE program if possible. TMFRO cannot guarantee that CE credit will be provided without evaluating the CE program.

CE Annual Process

The CE tracking year is the calendar year. Excess CE from one year will not carry forward to the next calendar year. When TMFRO provides CE, TMFRO will track attendance for MQFPs and MQFPs will not need to request credit. For non-TMFRO programs, MQFPs should email TMFRO ( the following information within 30 days (but not later than the end of the calendar year) to request credit: Name of the CE event Date of the CE event Provider of the CE event Location of the CE event Topic of the CE TMFRO will notify the MQFP if there are questions about the requested CE. Concerns about requested CE will be handled on a case-by-case basis. MQFPs are among the most trusted and qualified and professionals in the financial services industry. Because the MQFP’s reputation rests on trust, TMFRO will carry a bias towards approval of reasonable external CE requests. TMFRO’s tracking will be used to ensure all MQFPs have accomplished annual CE requirements, but individual MQFPs should maintain their own tracking system as a backup.

Failure to Accomplish and Report CE

If you fail to maintain your credential by reporting the required CE during the reporting period, your status will be listed as “lapsed” for a maximum period of six months with an approved extension application. You must pay an extension fee ($50) and obtain the required number of CE hours to reinstate your credential within the extension period. If you do not comply with the reinstatement requirements within the maximum period of six months, the TMFRO will revoke the credential. Professionals may be able to reinstate their credential by paying a reinstatement fee and meeting the requirements for reinstatement.


The MQFP CE program is an asset to all MQFPs. TMFRO welcomes suggestions for improvements to the CE program. Please direct all questions and comments to: (